Repository Policy - Publication repository of ICI Bucharest

Date (yyyy-mm-dd): 2023-02-03

About Publication repository of ICI Bucharest

The National Institute for Reasearch and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest has established the institutional repository Publication repository of ICI Bucharest ( Publications Repository is built with DSpace-CRIS. Currently, Standard DSpace is used for scientific publications of ICI researchers, since the year 2018. Future development will include data sets, whereas DSpace-CRIS will be used for CRIS-specific entities: Researcher Pages, Projects, and Organization Units.

The aim of the repository is to provide open access to scientific publications of the National Institute for Reasearch and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest. The main aim of this repository is to increase the scientific visibility of the National Institute for Reasearch and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest.

Related documents:

Designated Community

The Designated Community of the Publication repository of ICI Bucharest includes the following user groups:

Metadata Policy

Data Policy

Content Policy

Submission Policy

Versioning Policy

Privacy Policy

Preservation Policy

Policy Revisions

This policy is subject to revision every 1 years or whenever deemed necessary by changed circumstances or changes in best practice.

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